Sunday, July 15, 2018

Investagrams Virtual Port Week 3 (July 16, 2018)

The following actions have been taken with our portfolio in the past week:
  • Sold IRC last 7-11-2018 due to it violating our hard stop loss of -10%. Added to blacklist.
  • Sold MHC last 7-13-2018 due to it violating our hard stop loss and ended at -14% EOD. Added to blacklist.
  • Will sell LMG on Monday, 7-16-2018 because it is no longer in the momentum ranks list.
With the freed up capital, we will be making new purchases.
  • ISM - no good since ATR position size states to buy only 795 shares, but at 2.75 pesos, minimum boardlot is at 1,000 shares. Pass for now.
  • WIN - same as ISM. ATR position size is below minimum boardlot. Pass.
  • ORE - will buy 2,000 shares come Monday's open.
  • ANI - will buy 500 shares on Monday's open. Although ATR position size states 700 shares, however we have run out of capital and can only buy 500 shares. As I was buying the shares on Monday, 7-16-2018, I forgot that we already had 600 shares of ANI, so I moved on to the next stock in the list.
  • HOUSE - bought 1,100 shares at 7.25.
Below is a photo of the updated Dashboard (click to enlarge).

Since Week 1, two weeks have passed (Week 1 to 2, then Week 2 to 3). Week 2 to 3 was rather bumpy, but our portfolio is still up by 2.51%.

Let's see what Week 3 to 4 brings.

Also, if it would be your first time entering, and you see IRC and MHC in my blacklist yet they both are still in the Momentum Ranks, should you buy them? The answer is yes. Your entry price would be different from mine, i.e. lower. What matters here is the momentum and how the stock adheres to that momentum without violating the trend.

Caveat and God Bless!

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